Dear Copyright lawyers: If you are reading this, I just wanted to say "YOU MUST HAVE ALOT OF TIME ON YOUR HANDS". All joking aside some of the X-FILE Theme authors have been asked to take down their themes. Apparently the free publicity generated by the themes doesn't justify the copyright infringement (wait until the ratings drop, you'll probably see less complaining). Personally, I think that if you don't want people to download, modify and post images, there is only one way. DON'T POST THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. You don't give out your phone number and expect people not to call. You don't give out your e-mail address, if you don't want spam. If I post something, as far as I'm concerned it's up for graps, and as long as no one makes money on it, who does it hurt really. ANYWAY I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE IF I OFFENDED ANYONE AT PARAMOUNT, WHICH LEADS ME TO ASK THIS ONE IMPORTANT QUESTION. IS JERI RYAN'S COSTUME PADDED OR IS SHE NATURALLY THAT CURVATIOUS?